How to Choose the Best Sewage Cleaning Services

What is Sewage and why is it dangerous?

Sewage refers to the waste that is discharged from any Sewerage system, be it the toilet, sewerage pipe burst or even contaminated residue from flooding or storm run offs.   It is sometimes referred to as wastewater, which is basically used water that goes down toilets, sinks and drains.

Sewage or wastewater is not clean water.  It is highly contaminated and is toxic to the health of humans and other living species and as such, not safe for humans and our pets to be exposed to.  Sewage left sitting will simply become more contaminated and toxic as time goes by and is something that needs to be removed quickly by professionals like Capital Facility Services who know what they are doing. 

Sewage Cleanup is not a Safe DIY job

In the industry we call Sewage affected water, black water and we treat it carefully and we are well protected as we know it is dangerous.

If you have had a significant sewage overflow in your home or business, please do not try and clean it yourself as it could be dangerous and may get you sick.   Our professional Sewage Cleaning technicians use the correct PPE to keep safe and the correct procedures to limit any further contamination from sewage.  They know how to undertake the sewage clean up safely and how to treat and sanitise the affected areas appropriately.

Sewage Cleaning and Disposal Services

Highly porous surfaces like carpet are not salvageable if they are contaminated by sewage.  They need to be carefully removed and disposed of and the subfloor will require appropriate treatment.  Content that is porous may also be contaminated and is highly likely to require disposal. 

If you have flooring that has been sitting in wastewater for long periods you may notice that the floor starts to show signs of buckling, if it does, it too may need to be removed.  Or if the sewage is trapped between the floor and subfloor, it will be necessary to remove the flooring even if it is not porous and could otherwise be saved.  

The decision to clean or dispose is a difficult one and requires the knowledge of a professional Water damage and Sewage Cleaning Technician that has the required knowledge and experience to decide for you.

Choose the Best Sewage Cleaning Service

Capital Facility Services deals with the unfortunate issue of sewage overflow cleaning daily.  We know how to manage it safely and can advise you on what can be saved and what will need to be removed to avoid contamination.  We ensure sewage issues are addressed properly and that the affected areas are sanitised and dried properly to avoid any issues of secondary damage that will result when sewage affected surfaces are left wet after cleaning, issues like mould growth.

Talk to one of our skilled team members to find out more about our sewage cleaning services across commercial facilities and residential homes and you will soon realise why we offer the best Sewage Cleaning Service in Melbourne.